Thursday 18 September 2014


Business market comprises of two major components:
·      1)   B2B marketing.
·      2)      B2C marketing.

B2B – Business to business marketing, where the final finished product or at least a part of the finished product is given to the other business to either carry the production forward or distribure the finished good in the market. For example a car manufacturing business is a B2B business, where one different parts of the car are manufactured at different places and final assembling is done somewhere else.
Some characteristics are of B2B marketing are:
·                              Focus on problem solving
·                              Need to support customer professional
·                              Caters different customer segments
·                              One customer but at the end serves many consumers
·                               Long step by step process

B2C – Business to consumer, where the final finished product directly reaches the consumer through the retailers and other distribution channels. For example FMCG goods like soaps, shampoos which are produced in one factory all together.
Characteristics of B2C marketing are :
·                       Bigger unit purchases
·                       More technically complex products
·                       High buyer risk
·                       Longer buy times
·                       More complex decision making process
·                      Closer buyer-seller relationship/ more personal relationship
·                       Derived demand

Himalaya follows a B2C marketing strategy, Himalaya neem face wash has greater accessibility as it reaches maximum target audience. The product directly reaches the consumers without any middle business involved in it. There are various Himalaya outlets which delivers all the variance and all the products Himalaya has to offer. Therefore himalaya shares a more upclose and personal relation with its customers. Its based more on the love marriage notion where the decisions are mostly influenced by personal choices and preferences.  

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